


Role of fasciae around the median nerve in pathogenesis of carpal tunnel syndrome: microscopic and ultrasound study

조회 수 77 추천 수 0
doi: 10.1111/joa.13124. Epub 2019 Dec 2.

Role of fasciae around the median nerve in pathogenesis of carpal tunnel syndrome: microscopic and ultrasound study

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This study investigated the connections between the median nerve paraneural sheath and myofascial structures near it, from both macroscopic and microscopic points of view. Four samples of median nerve and surrounding tissues were excised from nine non-embalmed upper limbs for microscopic analysis. Ultrasound images were analysed in 21 healthy subjects and 16 carpal tunnel syndrome patients to evaluate median nerve transversal displacement during finger motion at carpal tunnel and forearm levels. An anatomical continuity between epimysium and paraneural sheath and a reduction of paraneural fat tissue from proximal to distal was found in all samples. Median nerve displacements at both levels were significantly reduced in carpal tunnel syndrome subjects (P < 0.001). It was observed that the median nerve is not an isolated structure but is entirely connected to myofascial structures. Therefore, unbalanced tension of epimysial fasciae can affect the paraneural sheath, limiting nerve displacement, and consequently this must be included in carpal tunnel syndrome pathogenesis.

Keywords: carpal tunnel syndrome; double crush syndrome; fasciae; median nerve; paraneural sheath; ultrasound.


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