


Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Fight Off Fatigue, New Study Claims

조회 수 71 추천 수 0

Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Fight Off Fatigue, New Study Claims

News   Jun 10, 2021

Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Fight Off Fatigue, New Study Claims

An airman demonstrating the use of the electrical handheld device. Credit: Lindsey McIntire.

Ruairi J Mackenzie

Senior Science Writer



Watch and learn how to use gammaCore (nVNS)

관련된 글
  1. 보험 정보 생맥산 - 건강보험 적응증 by 한닥터
  2. 보험 정보 가미소요산 - 건강보험 적응증 by 한닥터
  3. 임상 경험방 [대총경절] 피로권태 疲勞倦怠 by 한닥터
  4. 임상 경험방 피로 - 가미쌍화탕 by 한닥터

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