이학적 검사, 수기요법, 영상의학, 질병강좌
The Role of Fascia in Movement and Function

ision faFascia, or connective tissue, helps muscles communicate. See how to keep this important part of your body supple to improve your mobility and decrease pain. Recorded on 05/09/2017. [7/2017] [Show ID: 32389] Donate to UCTV to support informative & inspiring programming: https://www.uctv.tv/donate Please Note: Knowledge about health and medicine is constantly evolving. This information may become out of date. More from: Move Better, Feel Better: What Can Physical Therapy Do For You? (https://www.uctv.tv/physical-therapy) Explore More Health & Medicine on UCTV (https://www.uctv.tv/health) UCTV features the latest in health and medicine from University of California medical schools. Find the information you need on cancer, transplantation, obesity, disease and much more. UCTV is...

Ultrasonography of Superficial Soft Tissue Masses

조회수 28,281회 2016. 12. 26. Ultrasonography of Superficial Soft Tissue Masses

Ankle | MSK Radiology: X-Ray Educational Modules for Primary Care Residents

조회수 160회 2024. 4. 5. Drs. Namita Bhardwaj and Jie Chen give a presentation on the Ankle as part of the MSK Radiology Series: X-Ray Educational Modules for Primary Care Residents.

Bone Lesions | MSK Radiology: X-Ray Educational Modules for Primary Care Residents

Dr. Kristen Lafferty gives a presentation on Bone Lesions as part of the MSK Radiology Series: X-Ray Educational Modules for Primary Care Residents.

Lumbar Spine | MSK Radiology: X-Ray Educational Modules for Primary Care Residents

조회수 129회 2024. 4. 5. Dr. Jason Mogoyne gives a presentation on the Lumbar Spine as part of the MSK Radiology Series: X-Ray Educational Modules for Primary Care Residents.

A presentation, hydrorelease as a new injection technique targeting fascia at 2023 AOCPRM

一般社団法人 日本整形内科学研究会 -JNOS- 구독자 631명 조회수 192회 2023. 10. 26. - 2023 annual AOCPRM(Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine) https://www.aocprm2023.com/En/Default - Presentator Dr. Hiroaki Kimura https://www.kimura-painclinic.com/ - Japanese Non-surgical Orthopedics Society (JNOS) https://www.jnos-global.org/ https://www.jnos.or.jp/ -Auther Dr. Hiroaki Kimura https://www.kimura-painclinic.com/ Dr. Tadashi Kobayashi https://www.academia-rds.com/ Prof. Hideaki Imagita https://www.spu.ac.jp/academics/db/ta...

A Stepwise Guide to Performing Shoulder Ultrasound: The ABSIS Protocol

MGH Ultrasound 구독자 1.22만명 <__slot-el> 조회수 16,228회 2021. 9. 3. In this video a systematic ultrasound examination of the shoulder including evaluation of bony anatomy and tendons is performed through the ABSIS (Acromio-clavicular joint, Biceps, Subscapularis, Impingement, Supraspinatus) Protocol. Normal anatomy and acute pathology including dislocations, fractures, and tendon tears are presented.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment : 7 Stage Shoulder Mobilization Technique | Spencer's Technique.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment : 7 Stage Shoulder Mobilization Technique | Spencer's Technique.

Early Stage Shoulder Mobility Exercise - Pendulum Exercises

Early Stage Shoulder Mobility Exercise - Pendulum Exercises

Dr Andrew Ross talks about Ultrasound- Guided Nerve Intervention: A Primer

Dr Andrew Ross talks about Ultrasound- Guided Nerve Intervention: A Primer

Dr. Jeimylo de Castro talks about MSK ultrasound of the upper extremity peripheral nerves

Dr. Jeimylo de Castro talks about MSK ultrasound of the upper extremity peripheral nerves

Dr. Jeimylo de Castro talks about MSK Ultrasound of the Ankle/Foot-Part 1

Dr. Jeimylo de Castro talks about MSK Ultrasound of the Ankle/Foot-Part 1