발목 염좌 붕대감는 모습
발 해부학Foot Anatomy
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발목의 해부학 Ankle Anatomy
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아킬레스건의 문제 Achilles Tendon Problems
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발목의 염좌,불안전성 Ankle Sprain and Instability
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비골건 문제 Peroneal Tendon Problems
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족저근막염 - Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)
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무지 외반증 Bunions- Hallux Vlagus
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거골의 박리성 골연골염 Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Talus
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톰슨검사 아킬레스건파열검사
profile 웅이아빠
발목의 원위 경비인대 손상 Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries
profile 한닥터
발목의 골관절염Osteoarthritis of the Ankle
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비골근건 아탈구 Peroneal Tendon Subluxation
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주상골 부속골 문제 Accessory Navicular Problems
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소건막류 (小腱膜瘤) Bunionette (Tailor's Bunion)
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강직 무지 Hallux Rigidus
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지간 신경종 Interdigital Neuroma (Morton's Neuroma)
profile 한닥터
후경골 건염 Posterior Tibial Tendon Problems
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발목터널증후군 Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
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발바닥 앞부분 통증 Metatarsal Head Pain
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